Pet ownership goes beyond love and companionship, it’s a commitment to your pet’s health and happiness. Wellness care is critical to promoting your cat’s or dog’s overall well-being and longevity. While reactive veterinary care addresses immediate issues, proactive wellness care plays a pivotal role in disease prevention and early disease detection. Our team at Southern Crossing Animal Hospital explains the advantages of routine wellness exams, which are purr- and wag-worthy!

What is wellness care for pets?

Getting a physical examination from your medical doctor each year is important. Like you, your pet needs regular checkups to establish their baseline health, which helps our team gauge changes to your furry pal’s health status throughout the months and years. Wellness care includes vaccinations, dental assessments, parasite control, and a nose-to-tail physical, and identifies and addresses potential health concerns before they escalate into serious problems. 

By staying ahead of health issues, you can save your pet from discomfort and yourself from hefty veterinary bills. Wellness care encompasses your pet’s daily care needs, such as toothbrushing, nutrition, exercise, training and socialization, and so much more. Learn seven advantages of your pet’s preventive care.

Pet wellness care advantage #1: Early disease detection 

Your furry pal’s regular wellness exams allow our team to detect health issues in their early stages when they’re more manageable and less costly to treat. During your pet’s routine exam, we can detect issues such as subtle behavior changes and abnormal vital signs. By detecting diseases early, we can significantly increase your pet’s chances of successful treatment and improve their overall prognosis.

Pet wellness care advantage #2: Establishing a health baseline

Baselines, your pet’s normal health status readings, are required for successfully detecting changes or declines in your pet’s health. Health baselines are gathered during your pet’s routine veterinary visit, which includes a physical examination, blood work, fecal samples, and other screenings. Baseline health results also encompass changes to your pet’s health such as:

  • Energy level
  • Exercise needs
  • Appropriate diet for good nutrition
  • Drinking and eating habits
  • Skin and coat health
  • Parasite exposure risk level
  • Behavior or demeanor
  • At-home oral care such as toothbrushing and providing dental treats

Pet wellness care advantage #3: Tailored health care plans

Each pet is different, and their health needs vary based on factors, such as their breed, age, lifestyle, and pre-existing conditions. Wellness care involves tailoring personalized health care plans to your pet’s specific needs. These plans may include dietary recommendations, exercise routines, and preventive medications designed to optimize your pet’s health and well-being.

Pet wellness care advantage #4: Long-term veterinary cost savings

While some pet owners may perceive wellness care as an added expense, it actually offers significant long-term cost savings. By investing in preventive measures, pet owners can reduce the likelihood of costly medical emergencies and chronic conditions that require extensive treatment. Proactive wellness care is not only financially prudent but also enhances your pet’s quality of life for pets.

Pet wellness care advantage #5: Promoting longevity

Pets are cherished family members, and their health and happiness are paramount to their owners. Wellness care isn’t just about addressing immediate health concerns; it’s about fostering your pet’s health and well-being throughout their life. By prioritizing preventive care and regular check-ups, pet owners can ensure that their furry companions enjoy a long, happy, and healthy life by their side.

Pet wellness care advantage #6: Disease and parasite prevention

Pet wellness care encompasses core and noncore vaccines to prevent infectious diseases. We also test for dangerous parasites, such as heartworms, and prescribe the correct flea, tick, and heartworm preventives to keep your pet safe. 

Pet wellness care advantage #7: Promoting dental health

A majority of cats and dogs have some form of dental disease by the time they are 3. Dental disease can cause pain, tooth loss, and, if left untreated, internal organ dysfunction. During your pet’s wellness exam, our team assesses their oral health and offers effective at-home dental care tips so you can promote your furry pal’s dental health.

Wellness care plays a crucial role in safeguarding your pet’s health and vitality. By regularly scheduling wellness care appointments, you enable our team to detect your pet’s conditions before they become severe and allow us to devise your furry pal’s personalized care plan to proactively address their health care needs and enhance their quality of life.

Our team at Southern Crossing Animal Hospital recommends annual or biannual wellness visits to help ensure your pet remains healthy. Schedule your furry pal’s visit with our team and learn more about your pet’s care needs.