Veterinary visits are critical for your four-legged friend’s good health and wellbeing, but they can be stressful for your pet. Our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team hates to see anxious and fearful pets, so we offer tips to help make your pet’s appointment as stress-free as possible.

#1: Play veterinarian with your pet

To properly and thoroughly examine your pet, our team has to touch and palpate them in body areas they may find sensitive, so if you practice handling your pet, touching their feet, ears, and abdomen, and putting your fingers in their mouth, that will help them get used to the attention they receive during a typical veterinary examination. When you handle your four-legged friend, scratching their chin, rubbing their belly, and providing yummy treats, that will make the experience pleasant. If your pet is especially guarded in a particular area, inform our team, so we can take special precautions during that part of the exam.

#2: Make your pet’s carrier their safe haven

If the only time your pet sees their carrier is when they are hauled to the veterinarian, you can understand why they run when you bring it out of storage. Make your pet’s carrier their safe haven by:

  • Leaving the carrier out — Place your pet’s carrier in an area where they frequently rest or play, and leave it out, so they can get used to it.
  • Providing food incentives — Feed your pet or put treats inside their carrier, so they will develop a positive association with being inside.
  • Making the carrier comfortable — Place a cozy blanket and your pet’s favorite toys inside, so the carrier appeals to your pet. 
  • Practicing proper carrying techniques — Carry your pet by holding the carrier near your chest and supporting the underside with one arm, which will help your pet feel more stable than if you swing the carrier down by your legs.
  • Using species-specific pheromones — Spray species-specific pheromones, which work by emulating the natural pheromones released by your pet’s mother, inside the carrier.

#3: Withhold your pet’s food

Hungry pets will more likely behave better in exchange for a yummy treat. Withhold your four-legged friend’s breakfast and then take plenty of their favorite treats to tempt them to cooperate during the veterinary visit. This will also help prevent car sickness, which can create stress before your pet walks into the veterinary hospital.

#4: Be generous with your pet’s treats

Have on hand a healthy treat supply and treat your pet when they walk in the veterinary hospital, when they are being weighed, when they enter the examination room, and throughout our team’s assessment. Also, give some treats to our team, so we can more quickly make friends with your pet. Veterinary visit day is not the day to skimp on pet treats.

#5: Schedule your pet’s appointment strategically

Our team does our best to see your pet at their appointment time, but emergencies and surprise diagnoses can interfere with our good intentions. By scheduling your visit as the day’s first appointment, you can ensure your pet is seen on time, with no long wait period of smelling, hearing, and seeing unfamiliar things, and becoming anxious. 

#6: Exercise your pet before their veterinary visit

Take your dog on an extra long walk or play a vigorous game of fetch, or tire out your cat with a laser pointer before their veterinary visit. Expending excess energy can help your four-legged friend stay calm during their appointment.

#7: Be prepared and stay calm for your pet’s veterinary visit

Your pet takes cues from your body language, and if you are stressed and upset, they will be stressed and upset. Stay as calm as possible when loading your pet in the car and leave early, so you don’t have to speed or drive unsafely to make the appointment on time. 

#8: Ask for veterinary help

If your pet experiences excessive stress at veterinary visits, ask our team if pre-visit medication can help reduce their anxiety. These medications are safe and easy to administer and can make the veterinary experience much more pleasant for you and your pet. 

Hopefully, these tips will make your pet’s next veterinary visit easier. If you think your four-legged friend can benefit from pre-visit medication, contact our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team.