
Southern Crossing Animal Hospital offers boarding for your pet when your family is away. Our team takes great strides to make your pet as comfortable as possible while staying with us. We offer spacious runs and kennels and make every effort to help your pet feel at home.


  • Accomodations tailored to your pet’s size
  • Twice daily feeding with Science Diet Sensitive Stomach dry food or your own pet’s food
  • Climate controlled accomodations
  • Administration of heartworm preventative or medications brought from home
  • Kennel cleaned/sanitized twice a day (or more as needed)
  • Fresh water at all times
  • Canine guests are taken out 3 times a day for playtime and bathroom breaks
  • Canine guests are placed in a large dog yard for exercise and play, weather permitting.
  • Complimentary bath with a stay of at least 7 nights; if the stay is less than 7 nights a bath can be given upon exit for a $25.00 fee
  • Playtime for cats including toys and laser chase
  • Separate cat boarding room (no dogs allowed)
  • Portals in each cat house to allow for expansion of their space
  • Veterinarian onsite to address any medical issues that may occur or for pets with chronic illnesses that are boarding
  • Complimentary Veterinary Exam with 7 nights of stay
  • Fear free music and pheromone diffusers for the dog and cat boarding rooms