Don’t Ignore These Signs: Protect Your Cat from FLUTD and Urethral Blockage Today!

Protecting Your Cat from Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a potentially life-threatening condition affecting the bladder and urethra of cats. Severe cases, such as urethral blockages, demand immediate veterinary care to prevent catastrophic outcomes. At Southern Crossing Animal Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, we prioritize helping pet [...]

Benefits of spaying or neutering your pet

Spaying and Neutering: The Path to a Healthier, Happier Pet Did you know that spaying or neutering your pet could be one of the most loving decisions you make for their health and happiness? These routine procedures are much more than population control; they are essential for your pet's long-term well-being and play a [...]

Keep the Cheer, Avoid the Fear: Holiday Safety Tips for Your Pets

The holiday season brings joy, celebration, and cherished time with loved ones-but for pet owners, it can also bring hidden dangers. From enticing holiday decorations to rich seasonal foods, the festive atmosphere is filled with potential hazards for pets. At Southern Crossing Animal Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, we aim to help you navigate the holidays [...]

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