Ticks and Pets

Ticks are small but pose a significant health risk to pets and people in Tennessee and many other regions. Tick bites can cause discomfort and transmit diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team wants you to prepare your pet for tick encounters through appropriate prevention and management [...]

Jet-Setting Pets: Insider Tips for Safe Travels

Traveling with pets can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to create lasting memories and deepen your bond on adventures together. However, pet travel also requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a safe and stress-free journey. No matter your chosen transportation mode, our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team shares tips to make traveling with [...]

Recognizing Cancer in Pets: Is Your Furry Pal at Risk?

The “Big C”—cancer—takes many people’s and pets’ lives each year. Research shows cancer occurs in at least half of older dogs, and the disease also impacts cats. If your pet is diagnosed with cancer, you may feel overwhelmed. However, you should understand that treatment advancements now provide more effective options than ever before. Our Southern [...]

Using Quality of Life Assessment to Guide Your Pet’s Care

The most difficult decision most pet owners face is knowing when it's time to say “Goodbye,” but assessing your pet's quality of life can help you provide compassionate care and reduce uncertainty surrounding end-of-life decisions. The Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team is uniquely positioned to assist pet owners in assessing a pet’s quality of life [...]

Allergies in Pets Explained

Allergies aren’t a human-exclusive problem—many pets also suffer from this common immune system disorder. Recent studies show allergies may affect 20% to 30% of dogs and cats are also susceptible, making this one of our pets’ most common and significant health problems. Allergy management requires multimodal therapy and often, trial and error to find products [...]

Heartworms and Pets: Frequently Asked Questions

Heartworm disease poses a significant threat to pet well-being. While heartworms are found in all U.S. states and an estimated 1 million pets are infected, risks are highest for pets in the southern and coastal areas where mosquitoes thrive. Pet owners who understand heartworm disease have the crucial knowledge and the tools to protect their [...]

Understanding Your Dog’s Vaccinations

Vaccinations play a crucial role in protecting dogs from serious and potentially life-threatening infectious diseases. Each dog’s disease risk is unique and depends on where they live, their lifestyle, and their age, which means not all dogs will need every available vaccine. The Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team knows vaccinations can confuse pet owners, so [...]

Making Sense of Blood Work Results: A Pet Owner’s Guide

Blood work is a valuable tool for monitoring a pet’s health status or determining a diagnosis, but deciphering the results can be daunting for pet owners. While our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team is here to answer any of your questions about your pet’s blood work results, we also want to provide a general guide [...]

Understanding Feline Stress: A Guide for Cat Owners

House cats, though often perceived as aloof and independent creatures, are sensitive animals who can feel the same stress as their human family members. And, cats who experience chronic stress can suffer from a range of behavioral and physical ailments that can have a lasting impact. Pet owners need to recognize the common stressors that [...]

Tailored Dental Care: How Often Does Your Pet Need a Dental Cleaning?

When it comes to your pet’s oral health, daily toothbrushing and dental chews can help, but nothing compares with the effectiveness of a dental cleaning performed under general anesthesia by licensed professionals. However, determining how often you should schedule a dental cleaning for your four-legged friend can be difficult. Should you wait until you can’t [...]

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