What Cat Owners Should Know About Feline Arthritis

Does your senior cat hesitate before jumping to their once favored high resting spot? They may have arthritis, which is a common condition in cats, but their stoic nature often prevents prompt diagnosis and treatment. Our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team wants to ensure your cat’s joint pain is detected, so we explain all you [...]

Navigating Your Puppy’s First Year

Puppies are sweet and cuddly, but they require planning and preparation. Your four-legged friend’s care routine during their first year is critical to ensure they develop well physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team wants a successful adventure for you and your puppy, and we provide tips to navigate your tiny canine’s [...]

8 Tips for a Stress-Free Veterinary Visit

Veterinary visits are critical for your four-legged friend’s good health and wellbeing, but they can be stressful for your pet. Our Southern Crossing Animal Hospital team hates to see anxious and fearful pets, so we offer tips to help make your pet’s appointment as stress-free as possible. #1: Play veterinarian with your pet To properly [...]

New Veterinarian Spotlight!

Dr. Christie Taylor We are so very excited to announce Dr. Christie Taylor will be joining the Southern Crossing Animal Hospital family in July! As many of you know, Dr. Ashleigh White and Dr. Carondelet Nollner have been a team for 5 years. We are so blessed to add Dr. Taylor to our doctor team [...]

Welcome to our NEW HOME

We made it!! What an amazing journey we have made in the last 18 months at Southern Crossing Animal Hospital. Each step of the way brought challenges and great opportunities to have an incredible veterinary home for the pets and pet parents of Southern Crossing. So, now that we have made it to our new [...]

Are all Dental Cleanings Created Equal?

As Southern Crossing Animal Hospital begins to celebrate National Dental Month, we wanted to take this opportunity to answer commonly asked questions regarding the dentistry needs of your pets. We place a very high priority on oral health in our patients. Science has now confirmed that many diseases that impact the total health and well-being [...]

Cancer Awareness: Does my Pet have cancer?

There are fewer words that strike fear in the heart of pet parents than the word cancer. Many of us have journeyed through cancer with our beloved pets and their human counterparts. Each year, millions of pets are diagnosed with cancer. Early detection is critical in helping our pets live longer lives and have [...]


If you have seen our social media in the last few weeks (and if you are not a follower, find us on FB at (Southern Crossing Animal Hospital) and IG (southerncrossingah) for our reveal) you have seen the big surprise at Southern Crossing Animal Hospital. WE ARE MOVING!!! What? Moving? Why?? How did we get [...]

SCAH Staff Spotlight

China Anderson and Brianna Hubbard-Ramos Our mission at Southern Crossing Animal Hospital is to provide excellent compassionate care to our patients and their parents and to provide an environment where our team can flourish. We want you to feel like you are family when you walk through our doors. Because of this mission, we [...]

National Dental Month Is Here!!

February is celebrated as National Dental Month in the veterinary world. Our purpose is a to shed light on a common disease found in cats and dogs and to educate pet parents on good oral care. The following tips are helpful in identifying your pet’s need for dental care and how Southern Crossing Animal Hospital [...]

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